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The pandemic caused a surge in demand for virtual offices, yet not everyone fully understands what they are. Don’t worry! We’ll cover some of the important questions you have about virtual offices. The answers to these questions should show just how beneficial virtual offices can...

This is a hot topic – with the growing use of virtual offices it’s important to understand their benefits. But exactly who do they benefit; the new tech start-ups, or is it possible that every business can stand to benefit from virtual office space? Let’s find out!  What are Virtual Offices?  A good...

You’ve probably heard the term “co-working”, or at least understand the theory of collaborative workspaces. But you may not have considered how it might revolutionise how you work. The truth is, even without COVID’s impact, the workspace needed a revamp. We’re going to look at...

Whether you know them as co-working offices or collaborative workspaces, the notion of working in shared spaces is becoming more popular. Even before COVID-19, many businesses were experimenting with working in locations like these, and the results were very interesting.   Of course, we’re biased. We...